Tuesday, September 29, 2009

(Almost) Wide Open Spaces

In June, 2008 we moved our travel trailer to its new home in AD's shop. We also started spending the weekends in it, mainly because it was closer to the race tracks where G1 and G2 race.

So we needed an enclosed area for Elliott, Smoke and Dani to get a little exercise and to take care of their business. AD bought some cattle panels and some chicken wire and put this little "yard" together for them.

When we moved into the house AD bought a few additional cattle panels and enlarged their area.

Last week we had a real fence put in with real gates that are easy to open and close. Their space was vastly enlarged and they are happy, happy, happy with their new "digs" - no pun intended because they'd better not try digging out!

Now that the fence is in we can start thinking about where trees should be planted. That little project will probably start next spring.


  1. We could be neighbors! Looks like my neighborhood. I like the fence.

  2. WOW! That is a BIG fenced in yard..They really should love it...Do you use a doggie door too? I have one at my house and that is what Bob uses during the day when one of us isnt home. Marley unfortunately has not caught on..
    Im in central Ok..are you east or west?

  3. Melinda - no doggie door although we've considered it. We're in NE OK.
