Friday, February 11, 2011

Sock It To Me

Parsley is having a sock party today on her blog Seasons Of My Mind. She asked if anyone would like to join in and show a pair of their favorite socks.

Anyone who knows me knows I have an obsession for fun socks. Always have, always will. I couldn't just pick one pair to show though. Here's some from my collection.

One year Son gave me the socks shown above for Mother's Day. He'd heard about LittleMissMatched socks on the radio and knew they were right up my alley. So he did some research and ordered some for me.

LittleMissMatched socks come 3 to a pair. That way if the dryer eats one, you still have a pair.  I've seen them in Hallmark stores and even bought some at Silver Dollar City.

These are my flamingo socks.

I have LOTS of Christmas socks. These are some of the newest to be added to my collection.

Right up there in popularity are my Halloween socks. My most favorite Halloween socks of all had to be retired to the trash can this year. I literally had them for years! They were black with ghosts all over them. The were so soft and comfy. I miss them but they had totally fallen apart. Probably because I wore them from October right through December. You remember the ghosts of Christmas present, past and future, right? I loved them that much.

Other than the flamingo Valentine's socks above, here's the only other pair that I have that are currently clean. All the rest are in the laundry to be washed.

That's it. Hope on over to Parsley's blog and check out her socks.


  1. Good Morning Sweetie...
    Sock it to you. Love your sockies. Oh I am SO in love with the pink flamingos, and of course who could not laugh when they see Elmo. Gotta love Elmo, he just tickles everyone.

    A beautiful share. Wish I had seen this sooner and could have participated. Already off to work. Hopefully she will have a sock party again, another day.

    Hope you are staying warm. From what I hear, out there you need several pairs of these socks to stay warm. Thinking warm thoughts for you my friend. Have a beautiful Friday.

    Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

  2. They are soooo fun! I think you and my daughter are cut from the same cloth. Her socks, however, have to be KNEE HI.

    I have my post up for you to comment on and put your link. Thanks for joining the fun.

  3. I do know that the dryer does eat socks, I caught it one day half way gulping one down!

    Cute socks! I can never keep them very long, I forget and wear them outside and they just don't come clean and it's good bye!

  4. Great sock collection! I'm sure they make you smile when you wear them as well as everyone you meet!


  5. Your fun side is showing when you wear crazy socks like that.

  6. I love your collection of socks. I like the idea of getting 3 just in case the wash machine eats one. I needed those when the boys were growing up as I always had an odd ball.
    Have a great day.

  7. That tell me a LOT about you!! Theres no one in this world that could wear socks like that and not be a happy, joyous person!! Not to mention a bunch of FUN!

  8. These are too much fun! Reminds me when I lived in Nebraska in the early socks were the rage! Remember the toe-socks??? I had a pair and wore them out! I miss them. Love your collection!

  9. How cute! A sock collection is very creative. I love socks but have only the very boring ones, many with holes. You've raised the bar!

  10. Cute, cute socks. I have some that fit like gloves on my toes. Very uncomfortable but I can't bare to part with them.

  11. Aww sorry your fav pair bit the dust but I love those socks that come in 3's!

  12. OHMIGOSH!! You certainly do have quite the collection of socks. I think my favorites are the Elmo socks!

    What FUN!!

  13. you gotta know I love the Halloweenie's with the black cat heads!!!! I am now on my way to check out that link..

    ta ta

  14. Very cute! Blondie also mismatches socks. I think at first it was because we were often missing one and she would just pull on whatever was clean.

    I often buy the $1 socks at Target - they look similar to what you posted but have shorter ankles. I won't post them though :) They all look well worn. Hey! Maybe THAT's what I'll get Blondie for Valentines!

  15. How FUN! I just like a warm cozy sock other than my regular sport socks to wear w/ my sneakers.
    You've got a nice I'll think of you everytime I see funny or cute socks.

  16. What a wonderful idea, to have socks come 3 in a pair!!! I am loving all the different socks. Now. I am really wanting to find a pair of those elmo socks....

  17. Wow, you have socks, yes you do! I love them all, every last one. Your strip flamingo is my favorite. Well, maybe the Elmo one, or the orange/cat ones. Gerry

  18. Oh so cute. I adore the Halloween but love all of them. When I gave away all my collections recently I realized the only thing I hung onto as far as funky and fun were my socks. I don't have as many as you but what fun collecting. Happy Valentine's Day, Mollye

  19. What a fun idea, I love all of your socks. I have a bunch of what I call "silly socks" too. Hugs!

  20. eeek! what a fantastic collection!

  21. Adorable!
    My daughter works with a lady who has a sock fetish. LOL
    Every year she buys everyone at work sock for Christmas.
