L-R (back row) Son, G4, G3 (front row) Girlie and G5 |
Saturday was a beautiful day in Oklahoma. AD's mother has one big birthday party for all of her kids every February. AD's youngest sister's birthday is the end of January, his and his brother's birthdays are one day apart in mid-February and his sister that is just younger than him has a birthday the first part of March. Now that there are not only grand kids, but great grands too, it's kind of a zoo when the party rolls around.
But this post isn't about that "zoo", it's about the Tulsa Zoo. Son and his kids came up for the party and when it started breaking up, he, his kiddos and I went to the Tulsa zoo for a few hours.
The kids were on the lookout for flamingos and they thought they found some. But these are spoonbills. I tried researching it but couldn't find anything that said flamingos and spoonbills are related. These were pink though and they stood on their legs like flamingos. That pelican (I assume it's a pelican!) in the back on the left was pretty fascinating to watch too.
This alligator was another of their favorites.
That lump of hair is a sloth and his parents were high above him in the trees. I tried taking their picture but they were just too far away to get a good one.
The rhinos are what really caught my eye. They reminded me of another trip to another zoo years ago when Son and Daughter were small. That zoo was a drive-through and a rhino came right up to our car to take a peek inside. It scared the bejeebers out of Daughter!
The lions were sunning themselves on Saturday.
The chimps seemed to be posing for pictures
just like the black bear.
I think everyone had a good time. Next time though, we need to go earlier in the day so we can spend more time. We pretty much closed down the zoo on Saturday.
I hope your weekend was a pleasant one too!