Saturday, April 9, 2011

So I've Been a Little Slow

but I finally found some time to update my blog header for Spring.

Although windy, it's a beautiful day in NE Oklahoma.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. I can't complain about this beautiful weather even though I know we need rain badly and even though the temps have been waaay above normal for this time of year. It's just perfect!

  2. Yes it is windy and suppose to be worse tomorrow. I don't think I'll bother to comb my hair. What's the use?

  3. I like you new header. At least, you know how and what to do. I have no clue as to how to change the header. I have to rely on others. That is why mine is not changed very often.

  4. That's okay, it's never to late to enjoy spring! I hope you are doing well and enjoying the lovely weather!

  5. It looks really cute!
    Have a super Sunday!

  6. OMGoodness, the header is beautiful. You have a good weekend too. I'm neglecting my household chores because I want to be in the yard, it's so beautiful.

  7. It looks awesome! I love it.

    Great job on losing 15 pounds. One day at a time, sister. You can do it!

  8. I love your header!!! SPRING> beautiful!!

  9. Hope your beautiful weather is working its way eastward to us. It's been a gray, wet weekend here. So looking forward to Spring!

  10. Lots of rain here these past few days, but today is promising! Don't let Elliot see your sweet new header. He'll be licking your computer screen!

    Your Friend,

  11. What a nice springy header!

  12. Nice job! Puts me in the mood to dye some eggs and decorate them.

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend too.

    Sweet dreams.

  13. I was just going to ask 'have you decorated'? It feels nice and fresh Granny. Hurray for Spring.

  14. I like your new header! I was thinking of changing mine - thanks for the inspiration :)
