Thursday, November 4, 2010

Is it just me?

I'm not sure what's going on. I visit all my blogger friends most everyday and most generally leave a comment - at least I TRY to leave a comment.

It seems recently that sometimes my comments go through and sometimes they just won't! And it varies from day to day which blogs I can't leave a comment on. It is just too weird.

So - is this happening to any of you?


  1. It is happening to me too. You are one of my wwinners for my purch pattern
    But I need yuour address please sent to

  2. I've read that people are having issues with Blogger recently so something must be wonky.

  3. I have not had that problem - at least not recently!

  4. Oh yes, I think it is because of a password verification. I forget about it on some sites and x out too soon.

  5. Yep....
    I kept it short....just in case it got lost.....


  6. I haven't seemed to have had a problem with that. Hope you can figure it out as we all love your comments. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  7. I haven't noticed that my comments aren't going through. Did you get this one? LOL But I have noticed difficulty with posting pictures from time to time. I will try to upload and it is blank. Have to go back and retry to upload and still blank. Guess the gremlins are at work again.


  8. I have not noticed any problems.
    I hope you get it figured out soon. I love getting the comments.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. Yes from time to time I do have trouble!

  10. Yes, I have had issues and I use word press not blogger. It has nothing to do with word verification. I always copy my comments before I press the post comment button in the event they are lost. But it's more a case of looking as though it has gone through yet when I return, it's no where to be found. Frustrating.

    Your Friend,

  11. I have had that happen too! It is frustrating but normally comes in spurts and doesn't last too long.

  12. I haven't had any trouble G....but some of my RV blog buddies may have mentioned that awhile back. I recently disabled that word verification thingy and haven't had any problems with junk comments or anything. I hope it's made it easier for commentors cuz we all love commentors!!!

  13. Yes, I've had that problem lately. Some will go through and some won't. Weird.

  14. Haven't had any problems myself but if you ever have difficulties on my blog then let me know.

  15. Yes! It's driving me nuts! I have commented on my friends blog and go back ... nothing! nada! zip! grrrrrrrr.....

  16. That word verification thing keeps me from posting sometimes, it just won't go through. I took mine off and started getting spam so put it back on. Blogging is fun but I don't want to have issues with my computer so I'm very careful when I experience a problem. Blogger fights with me sometimes and refuses to cooperate! I love blogging too much to give it up though...

  17. I have that problem occasionally with blogs on the Blogger format. Sometimes it takes me 2 or 3 tries to get a comment posted.
    You are not alone!!

  18. It happens to me on and off too. My biggest problem is sitting down and taking the time to catch up with everyone! LOL

  19. Same here. I feel really bad about one faithful follower. I have never been able to leave even one comment and boy have I tried.
