Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Whew! What a Weekend

Last Friday I drove to Oklahoma City for a visit with Son's family.

G3, G4 and Girlie had soccer games scheduled and there was going to be a Fancy Nancy party at the Borders bookstore in Norman.

I also thought I'd take the opportunity to take each of the 3 older ones, individually, out to eat. Kind of some one-on-one time with each of them.

G3 chose to go to IHOP for supper. We had a nice visit and he told me about things he was doing at school. He's in the 4th grade and they're learning to label a map of the US with all the states names. He told me that on his first attempt at the labeling he got 41 states out of 50 correct. I thought that was pretty good!

Saturday morning it was G4's turn. He chose to go to Krispy Kreme for a breakfast of donuts and milk. I asked if he'd seen any good movies lately. He told me ALL about Tron. I think he told me the whole movie, start to finish.

Because soccer games started at 9am, we really didn't have a lot of time but it was a good visit, just the two of us.

G3's game started at 9am. That's him kicking the ball. It was a cold, windy morning! I was glad I'd taken a hoodie along for the weekend.

G4 and Girlie's games were both at 11am. We sat in the car in between games to warm up.

The soccer fields were not far from each other so I was able to walk from one to the other to watch the action.

That's Girlie in the pink hoodie standing near the ball. Son says she's always excited to go to her games but she was just standing there watching everyone else play. Son was concerned about that but it just takes her a little time to get warmed up.  

G4 really wanted to play goalie but his coach didn't play him there. Son says he makes a great goalie but I thought he did a really good job getting the ball down the field. And he almost scored a goal one time.

Back at Girlie's game, she's still thinking about getting into the game.

Almost there. See how's she's almost ready to try kicking the ball.

Not long after she was into the game. I told Son she'll be better next season. After all, she's only 4.

As soon as her soccer game was over we headed for Norman to the Fancy Nancy party. Son changed her out of her soccer uniform into her party dress in the car. He'd gotten a boa for her to wear so she'd be very fancy for the party.

As it turned out, the store had originally scheduled the party for 2pm but somewhere along the way the time was changed to 11am. The manager told us to just come when her game was over.

Girlie was the only one there when we arrived so she got individual attention. This nice lady read a couple of Fancy Nancy books to her, they both colored a crown and then decorated them with glitter and sparkly "jewels". There was even some chocolate cookies and a special "fancy" drink. It was fun to watch and Girlie had a good time.

Just as we were getting ready to leave another group of little girls showed up. It was probably just as well that the little girls came in groups because I imagine it was a lot easier to manage all the glitter and glue that way.

Afterward Son, Girlie and I went to lunch at her favorite place - Red Robin. Although I'd intended to take Girlie to lunch by herself, it just worked better for us all to go while we were there.

We'd also planned to do another photo shoot at one of the parks. I wanted some photos of Girlie in the other dress I'd gotten for her before Easter. She had a lot more smiles for the camera this time.

I'd made some mini sugar cookies to take along. We'd actually planned for one of her little friends to be there but unfortunately she wasn't able to do that.

Then it was back to Son's house to get ready for a Pampered Chef party.

Son is a Pampered Chef consultant (I hope that's the right word) and he'd invited me along. He was going to prepare a salad similar to one that he likes to order when he and his wife go to Charleston's. It was delicious and everyone loved it.

On Sunday I woke up to cold rain, thunder and lightening and it was time to head back home.

I'm sure glad that rain held off for the weekend!


  1. I would love to go to IHOP we do not have them around us.
    It sure does look like you had a great day with each one of them. I love that one on one with the grands.
    I am sure she will get the hang of the game.

  2. I'm so glad you had family time. Making memories is the best gift ever.

    Hey...your son needs to send me a catalogue. I adore Pampered Chef items!

  3. Fun post! You sure kept busy! Darling kiddies, Granny, they do you proud! :-)

  4. You did have a great weekend. You are wonderful Granny for trying to get a little one on one time with the various GK's.

    Girlie is quite girlie looking at the Fancy Nancy party. She is doing quite good for a 4 year old at soccer. I mean, she is only 4!!

    You and your Grandkids are blessed to have each other.

  5. Having only one grandson, I get to spend so much time with him. I was talking with a friend who also has only one grandchild and we were discussing what happens when we have more than one. How do you divide your time? Well looks like you have it all worked out.
    Sounds like wonderful Grandparent time!

  6. Ihop, Krispy Kreme, Red Robin, grandchildren -sounds like a perfect weekend to me!
    Here is Stillwater, we also had that much needed rain all day Sunday.

  7. Oh Sweetie...
    You visited quite a few of my favorite places too. What fun with each of the kids. I love it that you try to get in some one-on-one time with each. We do the same thing with all 8 of ours. We never know what we might end up doing, but it is the time spent together that we cherish most of all.

    I love each of the little faces. The boys are SO handsome and your Girlie, well she is down right CUTE. What a little lady bug she is. Love her last photo. That is precious sweetie, just precious.

    Hope you all are staying dry. Have a wonderful evening. Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry

  8. Wow you were busy, a good busy enjoying the grands. Great photos of them

  9. Man, were you a hoppin' Granny! What a neat idea though! Thanks for sharing your time with them, with us!!!

  10. What a splendid time!! I also believe that the one on one time is very important. Not always possible, but it is good that it happens sometimes. You are a wonderful wonderful grandmother.
    ps. I dont remember life before being grandma, do you?

  11. You are such a great "party" planner. IHOP and Krispy Kreme back to back. Plus the grans. Doesn't get any better than that!

  12. IHOP is the special place for my daughter and her grandmother. She's 18 and she still insists on going there with her.

  13. What a fantastic weekend! That krispy creme looked way too good and the G's are as cute as can be. I love the pictures of girly. She is precious beyond words.

  14. Aw, you're such a wonderful grandma! That one on one time is so precious, and I'm sure they'll remember that you always supported them in whatever activities they chose. Girlie's soccer experience reminded me of the days when my kids played soccer. I think my Little Guy spent most of his time watching airplanes or picking flowers! You just have to enjoy watching four year olds and not worry about the game.

  15. I can tell that you love getting to spend time with your grandchildren.

    So do I.

    I thought Girlie did a fantastic job in that soccer game.

    When you're way cute like her, you don't have to kick the ball!

    Sweet dreams.

  16. Wow! You must be a "Supper Granny" :-)

    Maybe you can get your own TV show?

    Supper Nanny has one :-)

  17. I'm so glad you had a great weekend; how fun for all of you!
    Take good care!

  18. Sounds busy, but fun!
    Happy Mother's Day!
