Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Have to Apologize!

To G3.

You see, today is his birthday.

His 11th birthday to be exact.

And I didn't get to post birthday wishes on my blog until now (late afternoon on Thursday).

I could tell you what happened but it's a long story that involves a cell phone problem that started back in July.  I won't bore you with the details.

Some of you may remember that G3 is my "riddle" buddy. He calls me from time to time with a new joke or riddle. I hardly, if ever, come up with the right answer.  I have riddles for him from time to time too. He however, being the super smart kid he is (no brag, just fact), comes up with the right answers on many occasions.

So, late as this may be - in honor of G3's birthday, here are a few birthday riddles I found online.

What do birthday invitations say? (if you give up, the answers are below.)

If you have 11 birthday candles and you light all of them at the same time, which one will burn up first?

Why do we cut the birthday cake?

Why do we blow candles out on birthday cakes?

Give up? Here are the answers -

Invitations don't say anything - you have to read them.

None of them. Candles burn down.

Because cakes don't have zippers.

Because, if you threw water on a birthday cake it would ruin it.

Happy Birthday, G3! I hope your day was wonderful!

Love, Granny


  1. Happy Birthday to G3! How exciting to turn 11..almost a teenager! My kids always felt more grown up after the 10th birthday.
    Love your riddles. I'll have to share them with my grandson..he's a 'riddler' too!

  2. Cute riddles. I'll have to remember those for my grandkids. He's a cute boy. Happy Birthday to him.

  3. Awe, that was so cute! Happy birthday to G3!! What a lucky guy to have a such a thoughtful Granny!!

  4. Just a smart, typical young fellow.

  5. Ha ha, you got me. Happy birthday to your sweet grandbaby

  6. Happy Birthday G3, bet you're in bed by now, I hope it was a great day for you!

  7. Chinatours9/9/11 3:27 AM

    Though two days later, I still want to say "happy birthday"

  8. Happy Birthday to G3! Hope he had a good day celebrating and a great year being 11!
    All your grandchildren are beautiful.

    Your Friend,

  9. Happy Birthday to G3

    I have to admit that I did not get a one right.

  10. Too Cute!

    You are the best Granny!!! I hope he had an awesome day and if you had anymore to do with it, I know he did!!!

  11. How cute! Happy "belated" birthday to G3!!!

    I love your blog banner. You aren't a "proud" granny, are you? ;)

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  12. What a handsome little guy.

    A happy belated birthday.

  13. Happy Birthday G3!!

    Thank you so much for supporting me at

    I'm still having trouble commenting from there so I'll just sign in as anonymous! Jan

  14. Your Grandson is so cute!

    Love your blog, Im a new follower..
    we are neighbors! ( I live in KS )
    =) Have a great day!

  15. OMG! I love the riddles. Happy birthday sweet young man!
