Saturday, December 24, 2011

You Be The Judges

G1, G2 and the girlfriends were up for a bit of gingerbread house decorating.

I told them I would post pictures of their creations on my blog and ask readers to vote for their favorite.

I also told them there would be a small prize for the winner.

Below are pictures of the houses with a brief description of each.

House #1
Santa is apparently visiting this little house at the moment. His sleigh is visible up on the roof. There is a pile of pretzel logs sitting beside the house just waiting to be put in the fireplace. Notice a path has been cleared of snow to welcome visitors.

House #2:
This darling little cottage features a fenced yard and is all decked out with Christmas decorations including a tree, a snowman and candy canes leading up to the front door. The lamp post on the left side of the door lights the way for visitors.

House #3:
The children that live in this house have been busy building a snowman and an igloo. On the right side of the house and just at the base of the statuesque angel, a fire has been built in anticipation of roasting a few marshmallows with neighbors and friends.

House #4:
The final gingerbread house features a chocolate door and windows along with a roof decorated for the Christmas season. The owners' beautiful Christmas tree beacons visitors to stop in for a visit and the licorice gumdrop chimney promises them a warm place to sit and chat for awhile.

There you have it - our 4 gingerbread houses for 2011. Please leave a comment today (Christmas Eve) with your favorite - #1, #2, #3 or #4.

G1, G2, the girlfriends and I thank you for helping choose a winner.


  1. All are cute. I have to vote for 4. Love it's tree and mms on roof.

  2. I love them ALL!! Geeze, it's so hard to choose.
    Hmmmm, I think #1 is my favorite.

  3. The first 3, though very beautiful and festive are a little on the busy side. The last one has been very meticulously put together and I love the ice cream cone Christmas tree! Very inventive!! But what really brought it home for me was the big chocolate doors.. I know, I know... a few of the others have used chocolate for their doors and windows as well.. but this one has more chocolate I think. And I love chocolate.

  4. Oh man, this hard! I will say I fell in love with house #1 though. They are all amazing!

  5. WOW, Debby, they're all so cute! #1 is my favorite! I like the little details, the stack of wood & the snow cleared path to the front door. Tell the kids they're all winners!

    Merry Christmas!

  6. WEll, they all have such wonderful qualities...on the first I love the coconut; snow, the second looks very mischevious and the third, well, you gotta love the snowman...However, if I had to pick a favorite, it would be the last; house #4 because it's simple and well, sometimes 'less is more'
    how fun!

  7. They are all adorable and it's very hard to choose. I am voting for #3 because I love the marshmallow fellow.

  8. All very cute. You can tell that some of the designers are more precise. But I enjoyed number 1 because the snowman is in proportion to the house and the snow added a festive feel.

  9. What a neat project! There is something special about all of them... I'd have to vote for #2 and the reason is: I love that candy cane lantern!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family-have fun:@)

  10. I vote #2 because I love the fencing and my hubby votes #4 because it's orderly looking. ;-) Merry Christmas!!!

  11. After much thoughtful deliberation and reflection and study of the various houses, I declare a tie between them all.

    You have a talented group of Grandkids, which isn't surprising.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  12. #2! I love them all, but number two reminds me of a Hansel and Gretel House!! How fun!!!

  13. My choice is #2, mainly because of the fence and lamppost. I had a hard time between #1 & #2!! Hope maybe we can meet in real life sometime in 2012!!!!

  14. I think they're all fantastic, I'll choose #4 for its perfect symmetry.

  15. Love a little competition! I love them all, but I think #3's Snowman takes my vote! Merry Christmas to you all...

  16. Boy was this hard. I have to choose #2...that lovely lamppost wond my heart!

    God bless and have a marvelous Christmas sweetie!!!

  17. Oh, this is hard. They are all great. My little girl likes #2 because it is "fancy". I like #4 because of the chocolate and waffle cone.
    Merry Christmas friend. Have blessed time with your family.

  18. Mickey and I have jointly decided house #2. We enjoyed the lighted candy pole most..

  19. If I had to choose it would be either #1 or #2 they are both great but of have to go with #1! Can't have Christmas without Santa and a sleigh

  20. gingerbread house #2 = winner

  21. I had a hard time choosing. Each one has a specialty all it's own. They did a great job.

    If I 'have' to choose I would probably settled on #4. :-)

    Merry CHRISTmas!

  22. Hawk votes for 1,3 and 4 but he wouldn't get off the couch to look - the nerd. I vote for 4, Herogian votes for 2.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  23. farmlife198324/12/11 4:25 PM

    Ill go with #1

  24. Had the kids vote on these wonderful houses I vote #4 And the children both voted #1

  25. They are all fantastic and very creative. I'm voting for #1 because it looks the most like a house I'd want to walk into. Good job, and Merry Christmas to all!

  26. It was a difficult choice between #1 and #4.
    I liked the pretzel logs and the cleared pathway leading up to the house and the way the snow was placed in #1.
    In #4 I liked the Christmas tree and the chocolate door and windows. It just seemed a more simple but "neat" and orderly looking house.
    After much deliberation . . . I think I have to go with #1.

  27. Oh yes, this is definitely a new tradition for you & your grands :) I absolutely LOVE this idea!! I'll vote for #4 ... I'm just a simple Granny & the less the better for me -- this little house looks so inviting!

    All the houses were neat & I'm sure everyone had a blast making them. And the memories are priceless. Merry Christmas to you & your family!

  28. I'm voting for #1...

    Merry Christmas to all of you!! They all did a great job and my Grands just did the same, 3 year old version this evening!!! lol

  29. I vote for house #4 - I love the clean simplicity of it! Merry Christmas to you and yours!!! :)

  30. Merry Christmas to all of you! I am picking number 4! Love your blog header also!

  31. oh, i can't pick one!

    happy new year! :D
