Thursday, June 9, 2011

To All My Blogger FRIENDS

And I did mean to cap the word FRIENDS. You know who you are. The ones that I've come to think of as my friends even though we haven't met in person. The ones that have visited me many, many times and the ones I enjoy visiting so very much.

I just want you to beware of new comments you might receive on your blog posts. Recently I've had some Spam-type comments slip through like wolves in sheep's clothing. Evidently the Spammers are finding ways around Spam control. AAARRRRGGGG!!!!!

In the past I haven't "checked out" those who've commented on my blog posts before publishing the comment. Maybe that's naive of me but I haven't - in the past.

But now, before I publish a comment - even those that appear quite innocent - from a new-to-me blogger, I'll be checking out their blogs first. If I find something I deem unsavoury about a particular blog/blogger I won't be publishing the comment.

I'm very sorry to have to resort to doing this because I truly believe the vast majority of bloggers are wonderful folks.

I sincerely hope no one takes offense to what I'm choosing to do. And I really don't think true bloggers will.


  1. Isn't it a shame that we have to resort to this?

  2. Eeegads, that is not good! So many seem to be having trouble lately in one way or another. Take good care!

  3. I'll have to be more aware on the comments on my blog also. Thanks for the warning.

  4. I sure do not blame you at all.
    One can never be to caution on the computer these days.
    I just got my computer back after a virus.
    I enjoyed reading about your grands and I loved the orange you cute!!!

  5. Oh, goodness, sorry you have had some problems. I do not like spam either.

  6. I've been having silly comments come into my email for my blog, but they do not make it to the blog. They are signed Anonymous and I'm assuming they are spam as well. Crazy world we live in, huh?

  7. Haven't had a problem on the blog (knock on wood) but some unbelievable comments on my website. From Russia and porn related. How do we attract the weirdos?

  8. I think I have approved only one anonymous comment on my blogs. I get a lot of junk...A LOT!

    But, you're right, spammers are getting very crafty. Ugh!

  9. I've had a few like this that wordpress had filed under spam but read innocent enough, until I looked closer.
    My mother's identity was just stolen and they used her debit card on a $1000 shopping spree.
    Do whatever you need to do. I can't imagine anyone being offended.

    Your Friend,

  10. I havent been able to comment on many of the blogs lately...weird goings on

  11. Dont leave me ....I love you!!

  12. Something as innocent and fun as meeting new friends by blogging, can be destroyed by rabblerousers. I've been clearing out old post to get rid of the spam. ARRRRG!
    Hope you have a great summer without any more spam.

  13. I do not understand why some emails from bloggers come through spam. I am in agreement with you.

  14. Well, I hope that I am not on the unsavory list!

  15. You do what you have to in order to stop the trash. UGH! We'll still be here and understand why you have to moderate comments. hugs

  16. I never use word verification on my blog comments, but always use comment approval before I publish comments. Works well for me. A few comments go directly to the spam filter and I delete those.

  17. I hate that we have to be that cautious. I don't mind a little extra to leave a comment.

  18. I must spend 15 minutes per day cleaning up the spam that arrives on my I'm not interested in Russian brides or Nigerian Princesses thank you very much.

  19. Good Morning,
    So sad that there are folks out there trying to take the fun out of something that we all enjoy so much. ~Natalie
