Saturday, June 5, 2010

Forty Years and Counting

Forty years ago this very day AD and I stood before our minister and exchanged wedding vows and rings.

I've thought a lot about what I would write for this special day and try as I might, I just wasn't able to come up with anything clever.

Then this morning as I was reading some of my favorite blogs I clicked on Granny Mountain and surprise! surprise! surprise! Joycee and her husband are also celebrating their 40th anniversary today!

What first grabbed my attention was Joycee's photo of the entrance to Disneyland and her title - Living at Disneyland. Ah, Disney World - one of my favorite places. After all, it is the happiest place on earth - right?

Joycee compared marriage to a trip to an amusement park. I believe she hit the nail on the head. Stop over and read her post. I think you'll agree.

God truly blessed me when AD's and my path managed to cross. Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband! I love you with all my heart.


  1. Happy Anniversary!!! I think anniversaries should really be celebrated. Birthdays come through no effort on our part, and the blessings of our Lord, but anniversaries we earn by staying through thick & thin, better or worse, etc. All those things we promise to do but so few do. Glad you guys are!!!!

  2. Congratulations! Pat yourselves on the back for perservance in a time of giving up and throwing away! Your family stands as a testament to your love for one another!!

    God bless your special day, as He does each one!!

  3. Forty years of marriage is an achievement to be proud of today. Congrats to you and your Alpha Dog!
    Have a wonderful anniversary, celebrating the life you share.

    Your Friend,

  4. Congratulations Pat to both you and your husband on your 40th wedding anniversary! Forty years is definately something special to celebrate and enjoy with one's spouse!! May you and your husband have many, many more wedding anniversaries together!


  5. Isn't this a funny co-inkydink that we share the same anniversary! Yep, it's been up and down like a roller coaster...but sure glad I hung on for the ride! Happy Day to you and your husband, let's make the next 40 exciting ones, OK???

  6. Happy Anniversary! Finding the right one is hard, but staying with the right one takes hard work! I admire you and celebrate your happiness.

  7. Happy, Happy Anniversary!! 40 years of being together, that is truly awesome! Here's to many more!


  8. happy anniversary! sO WONDERFUL TO HEAR OF SUCH HAPPY MARRIAGES! My 32nd anniversary is coming up, so we are right on your tail! My 32 years have been the best time of my life!

  9. Happy Anniversary. Sounds like you have had forty wonderful years. Hope you have many more.

  10. Congratulations on 40 years. That is so awesome!

  11. happy 40th to both of you! that is really a big accomplishment.
    and wishing you many more to celebrate

  12. Happy anniversary to both of you. My wife and I will be celebrating our 41st next month.

    I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd

  13. Congratulations and a belated

    Enjoy another 40 + and enjoy your weekend.

  14. Happy, Happy Anniversary to a special couple! May you have many, many more years together!

  15. Happy Anniversary, Oklahoma Granny (and Oklahoma Gramps?). You seem to be a very happy couple. Forty years is a great accomplishment, particularly in this day and age. Dr. Lobo and I will hit #43 in a couple of weeks. It hasn't been easy, but I'm glad we've stayed together.

  16. Howdy
    Happy anniversary to you both !
    Wow what an awesome event to share :)
    I am so happy for you both .
    40 years is such an amazing milestone and we should all help you celebrate this magic moment !
    I am so thankful to those who have kept their commitment to one another .
    It is all to easy to give up today and society seems to want everyone to fail ,but that is not the goal once you have entered into Marriage you have entered a life long contract that allows you to both be protected by your word which is your bond .
    Thank you for being such a fantastic example of what is right in a world that is in great need of fabulous couples like yourselves.

  17. thanks for the information

  18. A note to those who might be reading the comments on this post. The one just above this one from "ardi" slipped through. Although a bit confusing considering the post, this comment seemed innocent enough but when I clicked on the commentor to check out their blog it seems to be some sort of advertising thing. My apologies for letting it slip through!

  19. I know I'm late, but Happy Anniversary anyway. I hope you have many more happy years together!!

  20. Happy Belated Anniversary!
